Miller, Carolyn R. (2009). Aristotle’s «special topics» in rhetorical practice and pedagogy. Rhetoric Society Quarterly 17:1, 61-70

Aristotle’s «Special Topics» in Rhetorical Practice and Pedagogy One feature of classical rhetoric that is enjoying a revival is the concept of the topic, or topos. This revival has led many rhetoricians to re-examine Aristotle’s discussion of topics and to study their subsequent treatment in rhetorical history. One question that even a cursory review of […]

Burke, Michael (2013): Rhetorical Pedagogy: Shaping an Intellectually Critical Citizenry

Rhetorical Pedagogy: Shaping an Intellectually Critical Citizenry In this inaugural lecture I will put forward the contention that the pedagogy of ancient rhetoric has much to offer contemporary teaching and learning and that as such a ‘rediscovery of rhetoric’ should take place, particularly among those colleagues working in academe who are committed to improving their […]

Περιοδικά για τη Ρητορική

Advances in the History of Rhetoric­ (American Society for the History of Rhetoric)-English, Argumentation: An International Journal on Reasoning-English, Argumentation et analyse du discours-French, Forum Artis Rhetoricae-Polish/English, Informal Logic-English, Itineration: Cross-Disciplinary Studies in Rhetoric, Media and Culture­ –English, Jac.A Journal of Rhetoric, Culture and Politics Philosophy and Rhetoric-English, […]

Εργαστήρια / Οργανισμοί / Ομάδες σχετικά με τη Ρητορική και την Επικοινωνία

ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΟΙ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΕΘΝΕΙΣ ΦΟΡΕΙΣ Asociación Argentina de Retórica, Argentina – Asociación Latinoamericana de Retórica, Latin America – CERMEG (Research Center on Legal Methodology), Europe – CSSR (Canadian Society for the Study of Rhetoric), Canada – Europäisches Institut für Rhetorik, Europe (Germany/France) – GRAL (Groupe de recherche en Rhétorique et en […]

Egglezou, Foteini (2017). Learning Communication Skills in the Hellenic Toastmasters Club: The Influence of Classical Rhetorical Principles

Learning Communication Skills in the Hellenic Toastmasters Club: The Influence of Classical Rhetorical Educational Principles Fotini Egglezou Abstract This paper aims at presenting the influence of classical, educational principles of rhetoric on the Toastmasters educational program. Toastmasters is an eminent, international organization which aims at instilling communication and leadership skills in its members in a […]

Kienpointner, Μanfred (1997). On the art of finding arguments. What ancient and modern masters of invention have to tell us about the «ars inveniendi». Argumentation 11, 225-236

On the Art of Finding Arguments: What Ancient and Modern Masters of Invention Have to Tell Us About the ‘Ars Inveniendi’ MANFRED KIENPOINTNER ABSTRACT: This paper deals with what has been called “ars inveniendi” (‘art of finding’) in antiquity, medieval and early modern times. A survey of different techniques of finding tenable and relevant arguments […]